Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Fair this Saturday

North Fork Holiday Marketplace and Lunch
To negotiate this blog and see different kinds of pottery, check out the Table of Contents

We've added one more show to our holiday schedule!
Saturday, Dec. 14th, 9 am to 3 pm. at Heritage Hall, at the Delta County Fairgrounds in Hotchkiss, Colorado.
Most of our display will be Peruvian Textiles, but we'll have some pottery as well. If you have a specific pottery request, you might give us a call 970-527-6570 so we don't leave it at home!
We have lots of fine woolen handwoven hats, as well as belts and bags. All of the textiles are fair traded, from Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca.

Over 30 local booths will be offering their wares with an emphasis on hand made, home grown and local! 

A homemade soup and chili lunch with homemade pie and brownies for dessert will be available for $4. 

Enjoy local photography, jewelry, fused glass, textiles, leatherwork, local honey, gift baskets, kitchen items, holiday crafts, pottery, fine art prints, skin care products, totes, clocks, aprons, purses, quilts and more. 
There will also be an on-site knife sharpening service, $1 to $2 per knife, anyone can bring kitchen knives to be sharpened. 

Sponsored by North Fork Ambulance. EMTs and Drivers will be on hand to answer questions about applying for the upcoming EMT class, volunteering and Membership.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Holiday Fairs 2013

Note: This link, a Table of Contents 
          will help you find specific items of our work.
Please join us at our two holiday art shows.   
Start your holiday shopping with a civilized alternative to Thanksgiving weekend shopping and the frenzy of Black Friday in the ARVADA CENTER on Wadsworth in Arvada, near Denver. 
You'll find our booth and a good selection of our pottery easily if you bear LEFT after the entrance. You'll also find quality and unique artwork from over 150 artisans in all media throughout this beautiful venue. 
The Arvada Center 34th Annual Holiday Craft Fair
6901 Wadsworth Blvd.    just north of I-70

Thanksgiving weekend 
November 29-December 1, all three days
Show hours are:
 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday and Saturday 
11:00am to 4:00pm on Sunday 
Free parking - $5 entry per day (free to "Friends of the Center") 

The following weekend is the 
Paonia Holiday Art Fair
We'll be showing our pottery 
And TEXTILES from 
Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca, Peru
Most of the textiles were fair traded for solar gear.

Twenty artists, caroling and live music 
festive hometown atmosphere
Special activities for children, upstairs
Friday, Dec 6, 3-8pm
Saturday, Dec. 7, 9am -5pm
Blue Sage Center for the Arts
228 Grand Avenue - Paonia, Colorado

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Textiles! in Grand Junction

Textiles from Peru 
at the Holy Family School in Grand Junction

November 2 ~ 8:00 to 3:00
786 26 1/2 Rd  Grand Junction, CO 81506

a mandala of chuspas, useful purses or medicine bags
Free Admission, 90 artists with quality handmade items. 
Homemade soups and goodies in the cafeteria, cookie harvest. 

We will be located between the two buildings, outside, with a large selection of the textiles from Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca, where we are godparents and in deep relationship with extended family since our first visit 27 years ago. For more of the story see our Amigos de Taquile blog at

We have been trading solar gear and efficient lights in exchange for beautiful weavings and knitted goods. We will bring a large selection of knitted hats and scarves, gloves and vests, as well as weavings in the complex patterned technique for which Taquile women are famous. We will also bring a sampling of our pottery.
table runners--also used as scarves
a mandala of hats
a mandala of gloves

Monday, June 24, 2013

2013 Art Fair Schedule

Note: A Table of Contents (next blog post below) will help you find specific items of our work.

August 31 - September 1-2 Santa Fe Fiesta
Our booth is located right in the center of the Exciting Plaza up against the obelisk. Easy to find!
Show hours are 9-5 Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Lots of new fruit basket forms, beautiful functional bowls and Chip 'n Dips with their feet in the curved open pedestal form.

Our booth will look something like this.
November 29-30 and December 1 Arvada Center Holiday Art Fair 
Located in the Beautiful Arvada Center on Wordsworth.

Stay tuned for more holiday shows.
July 3-4-5 Cherry Days in Paonia
Hours are Wednesday 5:00 to dusk; Thursday the 4th 9:00am to 7:00pm or so  and Friday 10:00am to 7:00pm
Our first show will be our hometown show in Paonia. We show our top-of -the line work, but also use this opportunity to sell our odds and ends and slightly flawed pieces at a discount for our friends and neighbors.
We will also show textiles from our "Trade Textiles for Solar Gear" project on Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca, Peru. These fair-traded woven and knitted goods have exquisite fine detail.
A mandala of coca purses called chuspas

July 28-29-30 Carbondale Mountain Fair Wait List
 We are still on the wait list for this fun show, so may not participate. Don't count on finding us there. I will update this page if they find a space for us.

August 10 - 11 Ridgway Rendezvous
Show hours are 9am to 5pm 
Lots of artists in a beautiful location in Ridgway, Colorado.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Table of Contents

Because this is a Blog and not a regular website, The following Links will help you maneuver around the site and find pictures and descriptions of various types of pottery. Be sure to scroll down the page to see the various posts.


MUGS Links





We often travel to a community in Peru which we have been visiting for nearly 30 years. You can follow our travel blog at

To find our work in the meantime, our pottery is sold at the following COLORADO GALLERIES:

Sundance and Friends 1111 River Park Road --Buena Vista -- (719) 966-5361

Pfister's Handworks -- 302 Elk Avenue -- Crested Butte -(970) 349-6731

Working Artists' Gallery -- 520 Main Street -- Grand Junction -(970) 256-9952

Earthen Vessel Gallery-- 115 W 9th St -- Durango -(970) 247-1281

Limited selections can also be found in Paonia, Colorado, at
The Blue Sage Center for the Arts 226-228 Grand Ave --Paonia --(970) 527-7243
The Old River Road Trading Post -- 15495 Black Bridge Road -- 970-527-4740

ARTIST BIOGRAPHY Read about who we are.